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of my first memories was hearing a conversation between my grandmother and mother where my grandmother said, “This boy never stops moving! We have to wear him out by putting him in more sports so that he will go to sleep at night and give me a break!”

from then on, sports became my life. I was always participating in two or more different sports at any given time..judo, swimming, kung fu, capoeira, basketball, track and field, Muy Thai..and the list goes on.  And consequently, I was also always getting injured with broken bones, twisted ankles, and strained muscles. However, once I recovered from my most recent injury, I would always be right back to playing whatever sport I could.

finishing high school,
​I entered Brazil's most rigorous military training programs, completing it to become a firefighter and ocean lifeguard in the Brazillian Military.


was then, with so many years in the parallel worlds of high performance activities and the subsequent injuries and rehabilitation, I realized I wanted to help others who had undergone injuries and/or were living with pain. I went on to complete a degree in Physical Therapy from the Universidade Estácio de Sá in Rio de Janeiro, realizing my dream to give back the care that had been given to me by countless physical therapists and healthcare professionals.

I have assisted hundreds of people recover from injury and achieve optimal athletic performance. I have over 13 years of experience in physical therapy, treating clients of all ages and lifestyles, including professional athletes. As a
 NASM Certified Personal Trainer, I look forward to helping you achieve your fitness goals.

"When you touch one thing with deep awareness,
you touch everything.

-Jackson Nascimento 


Would you like to do a workout, either in the gym or the comfort of your home, that focuses exactly on your personal fitness goals? 


Are you tired of following internet-based fitness programs geared to the masses, rather than customized for your body?


My extensive background in physical therapy aids me in creating highly customized personal training programs to help you safely and efficiently achieve your fitness goals. 


Do you experience aches and pains in your joints or when you are doing activities (or even just sitting at your desk) that used to be painless for you? Do you have weakness or imbalances in your muscles? Are you tired of trying conventional treatments that don’t work or that provide relief that doesn’t last?


If you answered “yes” to any of the questions above, then our method of body alignment is for you. We will analyze the muscle chains throughout your body and identify possible imbalances that are causing you discomfort or pain. 


We will bring your body into physiological alignment (in cases of congenital musculoskeletal dysfunction, alignment may not be achievable) helping you achieve greater biomechanical mobility, ease of movement, pain relief and possibly even complete pain cessation in your areas of concern. 


Throughout our years of experience, we have seen that everybody responds to body alignment differently, and often requires an average of 3-4 sessions to attain satisfactory results. Many times a customized exercise program is needed to maintain the results after treatment. 


For those interested in reaching the next level of athletic performance, we offer customized training programs to push your fitness beyond your imagination. 


We study each athlete’s movements, biomechanics, and muscular instabilities in order to improve their performance in their sport. We identify muscular limitations that affect not only the physiological function of muscle recovery, but also athletic performance. 


The benefits to High Performance Training include:


-Improved mobility

-Accelerated muscle recovery

-Decreased compensatory energy expenditure

-Injury prevention

-Decreased muscle wasting

-Increased motor speed in movement execution

-Deeper restorative sleep

In our High Performance 2.0 program, we pay special attention to the weaker muscles, focusing on area-specific strengthening. 


This is a great option for anyone who is a professional or life-long athlete and wishes to continue to participate in their preferred sports at a high level. 


The benefits to High Performance Training 2.0 include: 


-Increased muscle power

-Increased motor response


As well as:

-Improved mobility

-Accelerated muscle recovery

-Decreased compensatory energy expenditure

-Injury prevention

-Decreased muscle wasting

-Increased motor speed in movement execution

-Deeper restorative sleep



Synergy Body Alignment


San Diego, CA



Instagram: @synergy.b.a

Tel: 321 - 830 - 0707


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© 2021 Synergy Body Alignment

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